Extraordinary Design

As mentioned above, Antonio was partnered with Disney’s Wide World of Sports at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida for four years.  At that time, Antonio developed a wide array of co-branded soccer merchandise with the team in Orlando.  However, Antonio was a bit “ahead of the curve” at that time.  Soccer did not have the attraction or participation that it currently has throughout the U.S. and Canada.  Now times are different.

This new line of gear is of the highest quality, and it is also quite affordable—basically 30% to 40% cheaper than its rivals in the marketplace with similar materials, products and gear.

Advanced Manufacturing for Sports Gear & Related Textiles


As mentioned above, today’s textiles are far superior to those found just ten to fifteen years ago.  Soave Gear, through its advanced manufacturing processes, will be based in the United States, and will utilize some of these processes and materials to ensure the very best performing athletic gear on the planet.  This, however, is highly dependent on three key factors at the outset: 1) sourcing, 2) advanced manufacturing, and 3) material quality.


Sublimation techniques, related most closely to cycling gear, are a fundamental aspect of today’s lighter weight materials.  It allows for images, logos and names to be fully integrated into the material itself.  Soave uses the very latest in this sublimation technology for some of its “Advanced Light Wear” line.  While not all of Soave Gear’s manufacturing are oriented toward higher temperature locales, some of its primary elements will be oriented around this segment of the marketplace, particularly as it pertains to the MEA Region, as well as other areas of Asia and the Americas.

Latin America is a key foreign market for Soave Gear.  Given the high level of interest and participation in the sport of soccer, Soave Gear will use distribution bases in Mexico, Brazil and Argentina for the local dissemination of soccer uniforms, principally oriented toward younger amateur players and teams.

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